Tempo Intervals ; Kathy in Oceania 1500m

Good conditions on the track for some tempo intervals, last hard session before the ACT 10000m championships on Thursday.
The set: 3 x 2000m with 5 minutes recovery between efforts. All roughly at race pace. Everybody working hard and looking great.
kt 8:10 ; 7:57 ; 7:58
helen 8:40 ; 8:20 ; 8:20
janene 9:00 ; 9:00 ; 9:00
sb 6:39 ; 6:38 ; 6:26

Minnie on the bush tracks 4 x 6 minute intervals.

Roget also on the bush.

Heidze: 600m (1:45), 500m (1:32), 400m (73), 300m (53), 200m (33), 100m (15) all with 1 minute recovery between efforts. Very impressive solo session. Looking great for a significant set of new PBs

After brunch in a new cafe, sk joined us after a sleep in.

Of me: Found that session tough going. Not recovered properly from last week yet. Only easy running and strides this week.

Stop press: Kathy 1st in 1500m in Oceania W60 5:42.22 ACT Record. 1st in Medley relay, her 800m split 2:50


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