Australian Masters Athletics Championships : Putting it all to bed

Results for our core group of those who trained regularly with the squad, made it to Melbourne for the championships uninjured and able to compete are listed below.

Three were unable to attend or compete. SK a stress injury in the foot, Emma nerve damage from a long jump and Minnie ongoing problems relating to tight upper torso, calf tear.

23 of the 25 performances listed below resulted in medals. More than half of those medals were GOLD. Everyone was able to peak for the championships and do a very near season best or personal best or win in at least one event. In short everyone was able to compete at National top 3 level.

Further the range of events was from 800m/1500m to 8km or 10000m for most. Versatility.

On a world level most were able to improve on their 2012 world rankings or take significant steps toward gaining a world ranking for 2012.

That's what we did right. Pats on backs.

What we could do better? That will be in the tweaks we make to the series of training blocks and the sessions we undertake in 2012/2013, beginning in May. Until then xx.


5 Heidi   W41   2:33.62 2:28.06 76.51%

3 Helen  W52   2:53.25 2:30.61 75.22%

2 Maria  W57   2:47.23 2:15.81 83.41%

1 Kathy  W60  2:51.30 2:13.09 85.12%


2 Heidi   W41   5:10.23 4:50.44 80.04%

3 Helen  W52   5:46.56 4:43.84 81.91%

1 Maria  W57   5:34.82 4:16.34 90.69%

1 Kathy  W60   5:50.04 4:16.76 90.54%

2 Bruce   M50   4:30.26 3:51.00 89.18%


3 Katie   W46  19:45.40 17:54.33 80.49%

2 Helen  W52  20:31.50 17:14.71 83.57%

3 Kelley W51  20:33.50 17:29.96 82.35%

1 Maria  W57  20:12.30 15:51.78 90.85%

1 Kathy W60  21:08.40 15:53.97 90.64%

1 Bruce  M50  16:16.20 14:13.89 88.65%


1 Katie   W46  41:45.60 38:23.40 78.19%

2 Kelley W51  43:57.22 38:02.52 78.91%

1 Bruce  M50  33:48.48 29:34.32 89.05%

8000m xc

1 Heidi   W41  33:45.00 32:21.37 74.42%

2 Katie   W46  35:22.00 32:26.09 74.27%

3 Helen  W52  35:30.00 30:16.68 79.53%

5 Kelley W51  36:08.00 31:12.72 77.17%

1 Maria  W57  35:54.00 28:39.76 84.03%

1 Kathy W60  39:15.00 30:03.23 80.13%

1 Bruce  M50  27:34.00 24:06.76 87.91%


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