AIS Track : 4 x 100m, 4 x 200m, 4 x 600m : Keith in Bega

Quite warm and extremely windy today. Tomorrow expected similar wind, slight chance of snow at my house after the cold front passes...8 degrees max.

Steve, Jane and I at AIS track. Did an extended warm up: 4.5km jog ; 4 x 100m (19.7,18.6,17.1,15.7) ; 4 x 200m (36.6, 35.1, 34.1, 32.9) ; 4 x 600m (1:54, 1:53, 1:55, 1:55 Steve 2:05 Me). Steve had similar times to me except last effort. I was tight down the left side so cruised, no damage done. Jane got as low as 37 for the 200s and 600s in 2:06, 2:08, 2:08, 2:06). 4.5km warm down.

My efforts similar to Tuesday in the 100s and 200s. The 600s almost as quick as I was doing before I went away with similar effort. I will be interested to see what the Saturday session brings at maximum threshold and longer intervals.

In Bega Keith did 5 x 3 minute efforts but noted the 800m times of: (2:41, 2:37, 2:41, 2:39, 2:42).

It's still too cold to do any serious speed work in Canberra. September usually brings some weather warm enough.


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