Power Hills : Strength Hills

Another 18km today in the bush trails on Black Mountain and Mount Painter. 45 minute warm up, 5 x 100 metre power hills, 3 x strength hills (done at maximum threshold) of 6,5&4 minutes with 30 seconds jog between each effort. The course started in Frosty Hollow, finished almost at the summit of Mount Painter (two horses stopped me), warm down to home and then with Bella. I'm still a bit run down from this virus, have needed a nap before each run last 2 days. Somehow I've managed to run quite well after the nap. Yesterday was also 18km. Looks like I will complete four consecutive months average 120km+ for the first time since 2010.

Keith did 4 x 1500 metres on an undulating road with two hills. Splits: 5:36, 5:40, 5:44, 5:53. By coincidence Keith also met two horses, mine had female riders.


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