800m Set : 6 x 100m, 4 x 200m, 400m ; Keith in Bemboka and Keith Loses Shoe Mid-Session

Steve and I on Monday at AIS track. Some rain about and race walkers undergoing lactate testing made things a little difficult at times. I still have calf / achilles issue from the 10000m, ran only part of set. Kathy did hills in the bush instead as walkers were still in progress.

The set: 6 x 100m (first 4 on grass, last 2 efforts 16 & 15), 4 x 200m with 90 seconds recovery (I missed this bit jogging with a couple of strides on grass, Steve's first effort 31.8 was his quickest), 400m 66.7 (I paced this, walkers everywhere, was supposed to be 600m so we were nowhere near flat out).

It will take a few weeks to build the speed up.

Racing on Thursday may just be an 800m handicap for me. I may not even be flat out, depending on niggles. Time doesn't matter, placing does for Pennington series of 800m, 1500m, 3000m. Top 3 and finishing ahead of Kathy would keep me in lead for series.

Keith 800m 2:44, 700m 2:21, 500m 1:38, 400m 80....shoe fell off in 600m. It was windy. The usual warm up and warm down.


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