Stromlo XC Intervals : 2 x 1000m, 2 x 500m Hills ; Steve back to training ; Keith

A swooping magpie changed the set today at Stromlo XC circuit. Helen, Gabe (1st and 3rd W50+ Canberra Times 10km last weekend) and myself. The set: 5km warm up, 5 x 100m strides, 2 x 1000m plus 2 x 500m hills. There was some wind, not a cloud in sight, cool not cold.

Splits: 1000m 3:11, 3:05. 500m Hills 3:12/km, 3:10/km. Gabe was best of the girls in 1000m just over 4:00/km. Helen was best in the 500m hill efforts. It's a brutal hill at pace, all up for 400m, very steep 100m pinch to finish. The same start I've been using in the Malaga 2000m effort.

Tomorrow maybe another set or long run. Weather will be ideal for running with the wind set to disappear. I'll see how I feel on the day.

Steve is back to structured training after a virus. Tuesday 6 minute effort 3:54/km. Today 2 x 3 minute efforts 3:38/km, 3:45/km.

Keith ran 6,5,4,3,2,1 minute efforts at good pace. It was very windy, untimed set.


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