ACT Masters Athletics XC Handicap Ainslie Woodlands 6.35km 22:48 ; Keith in Bega fun Run 2nd 18:34

Perfect weather for running this morning at Ainslie Woodlands for the 6.35km XC handicap. Partly cloudy, cool, light winds. The course undulating with some steep hills. Course was shorter than normal, cut short on the second climb by 300m or so.

I used the run as a maximum threshold effort. After the first climb splits were all in a tight range, final 350m under 3:00/km. Splits: 3:47,3:34,3:35,3:39,3:30,3:38,1:00. This afternoon a long recovery run to make 120km for the week.

Keith in Bega Fun Run 2nd place overall as an M60. That's outstanding running. Splits in the middle 3km were in the 3:18-3:24/km range. That's promising for Keith's next race on track this Thursday.


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