Stomlo XC Intervals 3 x 600m

Unseasonal wet weather continues with Stromlo XC circuit saturated,lush and slow. Early morning set with Steve. I have an 800m on Thursday. I slowed down the early part of each interval an made sure the final 200-300m were quick.

The set: Warm up, 5 x 100m strides, 3 x 600m efforts, warm down. Splits: Steve: 1:53, 1:51, 1:47. Me: 1:48, 1:44, 1:41. That's my quickest set running with Steve. The 100m and 200m strides on Sunday has lifted my speed. Steve back into the 1:40s is promising.

An easy recovery run this afternoon. Easy running tomorrow also with strides. My final race for 2017 an 800m handicap on Thursday.


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