Long Intervals 2500m,1000m.1000m,500m ; 2km strength hills ; Steve 5 x 300m

Today a commute to work and back on foot. 8km each direction, mostly down to work, mostly up from work. Journey to work included 2500m,1000m,1000m,500m efforts with 1 minute jog recovery. Splits started at 3:55/km working down to 3:30/km. Return journey included a 2km strength climb over Black Mountain on trails.

Weather here is wet all week. All the grass ovals are saturated, too wet for running today. Fires in eastern Australia are expected to be extinguished by the end of the week. That will ensure good air quality going forward.

Next set on Thursday, it may be incorporated with the ACT Masters track meet.

Steve this morning ran 5 x 300m efforts. Splits: 52,52,51,52,51. Weather for Steve was hot and very humid.


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