Stromlo XC Intervals 4 x 800m, 200m recovery ; Keith 4 x 3 minutes, 1 minute recovery

Thursday morning set with Steve at Stromlo XC circuits. Weather cool, no wind, sun not up yet, dew and angry ducks on grass. The set: Warm up, 4 x 100m and 1 x 200m strides, 4 x 800m efforts with 200m jog recovery (1:40), warm down. Both Steve and myself running well in this set again. We can push on to even faster times without fear of faltering mid-set. I am good for a sub-16:40 5km somewhere soon.

On Wednesday evening a 17km recovery run. Still maintaining 120km+/week into my 7th week. I'm on top of things again.

Parkrun Coombs on Saturday, full gas. Sunday Stromlo Trail Running Festival 10km, non-competitive run to justify wearing the event t-shirt. Weather expected to be warm. I start in 6am wave. It will still be cool then.

Keith ran 4 x 3 minute efforts with 1 minute jog recovery on undulating gravel road. Distance covered approx. 730m-770m


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