Long Step down XC Intervals @ Stromlo

I did two of the normal sets this morning. The first with Steve and Jane. The second with the girls an hour later which was at just over 4:00/km. The swooping magpie is still there and did not bother me but did to everyone else. I was lucky to start at 7am.

The set: 4x100m, 2000m (642), 1500m (453), 1200m (354), 800m (231), 300m (52). I used the beeping watch on the yellow 100m posts today as a guide with the first three efforts on 20 seconds, the fourth on 19 sec and the 5th on 18 sec. I was under on all of them except the first effort where I was not warmed up enough and my shoes were not tied up properly. Steve was pressing me on all his efforts.

This set very similar to that a fortnight ago which is great six days after the half marathon. All up 16km this morning, 24km for the day with a late ploddle, back at full volume since Wednesday so nearing another 120km+ week.

The sessions I do mid-week on track will be key to how well I go down in Geelong at AMG. I have 3 full weeks of training to go until then.

Yesterday Keith did 5x100m (19,18,17,17,18) ; 5x200m (34,32,34,33,35) ; 3x300m (53,56,53) which shows he is in shape and looking god for the 5000m in Geelong.

Today Keith did 4x100m (18,18,17,16,16.0) ; 5x1000m (327,326,330,329,330) off 3:30 recovery. It was windy. Looks like he is in shape to run low 17 at Geelong already with 3 weeks to go. Sub-17 likely later in the year with the right sessions.


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