AIS Track : Long Run, Long Intervals

Long run this morning incorporating a long interval session on track. Exact same set as yesterday except on track instead of grass with hills. Started the set more than an hour later, made it hot at the end of the session. I didn't try too hard in the last two efforts on either day to avoid injury. Yesterday's times in brackets for comparison. 2000m 6:27 (6:56) ; 1500m 4:55 (5:03) ; 1200m 3:59 (4:05) ; 800m 2:36 (2:40) ; 400m 74 (71). Warm up and warm down was 5km each direction, 4 x 100m strides before the set. Again for comparison my PB set looks like this (done day before Goulburn Fun Run), 2000m 6:20 ; 1600m 5:11 (=4:52) ; 1200m 3:49 ; 800m 2:32 ; 400m 69...still some work to do but not too much lost due to illness.

That felt better than yesterday, the effort similar. I shortened my stride and got my hips up again...they were sagging yesterday due to fatigue. 10km this afternoon will keep the workload well above 120km for the week.


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