Long Intervals All Over The Place

This morning Steve at Stromlo 2000m 7:08 ; 1500m 5:08 ; 1200m 4:08 ; 800m 2:36 ; 400m 71. Very similar times to a few days ago. The surface has been slowing up over recent weeks due to the rain, sprinklers, sun and lush growth. Fitness Elf there also same set: 8:20, 6:04, 4:56, 3:08, 89

Yesterday Helen at BBQ Stakes 6km. Total time 29:00. Ran as 4 minute efforts with 1 minute recovery jog. A quick time for her during the heat of mid-day. Two days earlier she ran 2500m in 11:06 at Stromlo with efforts of 600m, 500m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m with 30 seconds jog recovery (actually ran to 2700m split at 2500m). That is equal to her effort of a week or so ago with Maria when doing longer intervals, less breaks. More verification of a potential sub-21 5000m soon.

Me this morning at Aranda 6,5,4,3,2,1 minute efforts with 30 seconds jog recovery. Would have been no quicker than 3:30/km.

Keith in Bemboka 6,5,4,3,2,1 minute efforts. Distance covered in each effort was on par or better than the previous week. Keith in currently sitting on 121km for the week.

Of me: Also sitting on 120km+ for the week. A very patchy month of 120+, 100, 80, 120+ due to the sciatic nerves issue. That is now under control again. I need to allow 48 hours rest between sessions and continue to do all the physio. Next session on Saturday morning the usual Stromlo set. Next big thing is removing 2kg of fat from my body which will take 2 weeks. Big picture is a consistent 6 week period of quality training and some good sessions, not much flat out racing.


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