Weekend Ketchup ; Bright Days

Back from a mini-break this afternoon. Managed to fit in a couple of runs by the river, twice to Beechworth Bakery, a market in Bright and a full day relaxing by the river watching the water park shenanigans. At night it was at Bedaki sipping wine and listening to music outdoors until the mosquito joined us. Bella loved it and is exhausted. It was very hot. Pictures for the story.

Keith did 6 x 3 minute efforts. All his efforts were much better than the week previous and with one extra effort. Steve likewise is building the form with another strong session, especially the latter efforts. Fitness Elf is conducting her own boot camp for self. My achilles pain is not under control. The sciatic nerve flushing exercises I have been doing made a big difference along with pressure pointing where the nerve diverges in the calf and hamstring. I expect to do a session on Monday of some sort.


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