Long XC Step Down Intervals : Stromlo Sets ; Steve and Keith

Weather sunny, cool to very warm, slight breeze. Track not cut for 18 days, getting slower by the day but still reasonably quick.

The sets: Full Stromlo set for me of 2000m, 1500m, 1200m, 800m, 400m. For Minnie, Gabe, Mia, Kathy 6,5,4,3,2,1 minute intervals, 2 minutes jog recovery and regroup. I paced them through first two efforts, first 1000m in 4:06.

There is a world of difference between these two sets. For full Stromlo using a beeping watch set at 3:20/km or 3:10/km using posts every 100m, try to be under schedule all the way, full gas, every second counts, over maximum threshold. For 6,4,3,2,1 minute set done by feel at or near maximum threshold. The only more relevant set we do is on track later in the season 2000m, 1600m, 1200m, 800m, 400m or three efforts of near 2000m with very long recovery paced to absolute limit.

Of me: Very surprising!! I've been fit the entire year but didn't expect these sort of numbers in December, more like February or March just before Australian Masters Athletics Championships. I was not quite near this quick just before Lyon (although it was our winter). The only thing missing is leg speed at the end of set. Longer intervals are great.

Below numbers from December 2014, February March 2015, June July 2015 (pre-Lyon) and today.

Steve this morning same set we have been doing on Mondays. The set 600m, 500m, 400m, 300m, 200m with 100m walk/jog in 60 seconds. Below progression for Steve from full fitness, hamstring injury and back to full fitness for that type of session.

Keith only two days post-great 5000m. Set: 1640m, 1330m, 1040m, 780m, 530m, 270m. The usual warm up and warm down. Tomorrow a long run, set Monday, possibly not a race Thursday as on track duty. It's a fun night with Santa and novelty events. Maybe Keith could win 2000m guess your time with no watch?


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