Sunday Ketchup : Around The Grounds ; Claude Monet, Portrait of Dog in Lillies

Keith near Bemboka on Saturday 6 (1570m),5 (1500m),4(1100m) minute intervals in the afternoon, very hot. Sunday long run, assume followed by pie and coffee at bakery.

Steve 9km and getting quicker. No sign of hammy issue. Steve will be right to go when he returns from holiday.

Minnie, Mia, Gabe and I long runs this morning in different locations. It was hot especially if starting late.

Of me: 90 minutes through the arboretum, around 4:00/km. Felt good again until last 10 minutes, heat stress.

Many of us spent the afternoon in the bush with Helen and John. Food, wine, good company, nice scenery, lots of swims in the dam. Very nice.


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