ACT Masters Track : 3000m

Conditions near perfect for the final night of track for the club. Cloudy, slight breeze, warm.

Results: Steve 9:53.35 (all-time PB) ; Leanne 11:05 (SB) ; Kathy 13:01 ; Helen 13:09 (SB). There were a host of other great results and season bests. Nice to finish on such a high note. Kathy, Steve and I are the only ones of this little group to travel to Adelaide in a few weeks. We are all running great. Steve especially has had a huge couple of weeks.

Of me: I decided to head south for a 10km road race in 2 days, today a chance to get in a set specifically for the 5000m. I turned up very early and did a set before the 3000m, continued the set into the 3000m.

The set: Stretching and self massage. Long warm up. 5 x 100m (19,17,16,15,14.7). More warm up. 800m 2:29 (pacing session). Another warm up including strides. 3000m ran as 2000m in 6:24 (pacing session@3:10/km, held to 1600m before cracking a little), 100m jog, jumped onto the back of Steve for 600m until Steve cracked me, cruised home. Long warm down.

It will be not much running tomorrow, the day before the 10km. 4 hours driving each way. I'll keep the volume of 120-130km up until the end of the month then start the taper for Australian Masters Athletic Championships.

Keith was on track duty. He'll start training again for World Masters Athletic Championships soon. National Folk Festival this weekend.


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