Keith 3 x 1200m ; Steve 5 x 3 minutes ; Me 4 x 30 seconds ; Logistics for Tour de France

Keith in Bega 3 x 1200m efforts with 400m jog recovery. Not timed, conditions were not conducive for running.

Steve 5 x 3 minute efforts. On his second week of structured training more than 5 seconds/km quicker than week 1 on average. Splits: 3:46/km, 3:42, 3:42, 3:36, 3:35.

Me: No sessions to date, probably some strength hill efforts tomorrow. I'll still mange 130km this week. I'm leaving for France on Friday. Weather will be much better for running there. I'll be complaining about the heat.

On Saturday I'm hoping to catch Tour de France on course near Viry (Cote de Viry Cat2) at around 4pm (it's often late). That means 5 hours of driving, shopping for food and bedding to go in the Renault Kangoo. I arrive in Paris at 730am. I'll be pushing it but if all does not go to plan I'll be shopping at a Decathlon sports store and hanging out by a lake eating French pastries.

Don't ask me why but my head collects pictures. These are the pictures I collected today. Oh dear!


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