Long Run 18km ; Stromlo XC Intervals 3 x 1500m

Yesterday evening a long recovery run on forest trails of 18km. After a very hot day I didn't finish the run until after 8pm.

This morning with Steve 3 x 1500m XC efforts at Stromlo. Weather cloudy, warm and humid. Track needs a cut again although it's possible to find a firm line by feel.

The set: Warm up, 5 x 100m strides (22,19,17,15,15[Steve was quicker]), 3 x 1500m efforts with long recovery (5:13,5:09,5:04[Steve just behind]), warm down.

Next set on Saturday morning early. Steve and I will start doing our tough set at Stromlo with a step down of 2000m, 1500m, 1200m, 800m, 400m.


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