Canberra Times Fun Run 10km 34:48

Weather cool to warm and very windy on an undulating course in the Canberra Times Fun Run. There weren't many easy sections out there...either into the wind or up hill or both. The first 2km a rare exception with a tail/cross wind, last 2km horrible. Splits: 3:15,3:19,3:37,3:36,3:22,3:46,3:18,3:27,3:33,3:31. I had to work for every second out there.

The result on par with the Parkrun Wagi Bridge 16:46 a few weeks ago. Aim is to pull down that 5km speed over the next couple of months and convert as much of that to 10km speed. I'll start the process in December.

On Thursday on track is One Hour race. The weather and my recovery will decide what I do there. One option is to run a time trial for 10km and coast home. No decision until Thursday evening. Next set on Tuesday with 4 x 800m XC efforts.


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