Keith 5min,4min,3min,2min,1min by HR ; Steve 3 x 600m + 400m

This afternoon (Thursday) Keith in his 2nd set of this build up 5min (150bpm),4min (155bpm),3min (160bpm),2min (165bpm),1 minute efforts (170bpm) by HR (reducing to 135bpm before next interval). Weather was windy, warm, undulating surface.

Steve this morning a set of 3 x 600m plus 400m. Splits: 1:53,1:58,1:58,74. Yesterday was 4 x 200m in 34 seconds.

For me: I think I've isolated the problem with my thigh. I shouldn't have been surprised, common for the last 3 years at this time. Lots of stretching, foam rolling and some rest has me going again. I'll take every day as it comes, should know by Sunday evening if I can start resuming faster efforts. I was feeling good today.


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