Stromlo XC Intervals 4 x 800m, 200m recovery

Monday evening 17km steady on forest trails. Weather warm to hot and windy. Tuesday morning with Steve 4 x 800m efforts with 200m recovery. Weather much nicer with light winds, cool and humid, pre-dawn. The set included 5 x 100m + 1 x 200m strides. All up 9km for the set.

My splits (1st 500m): 1:39,1:37,1:34,1:35. The final 300m sectors were all quicker with the last effort in 51 seconds.

On Wednesday the BBQ Stakes Xmas run and last BBQ event for 2020. Next set on Thursday with 4 x 500m efforts for leg speed. Saturday morning I will be celebrating with my 50th Pakrun at Coombs.


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