Tempo Run : Melt Down : Recap : Whinge

Back to Boxing Day, how long ago was that?, unplanned and unblogged tempo run as had remembered or discovered a 2010 Tour de France DVD disc missing from the collection, must have been in the DVD player at my old palace, drama, Cycling Central is on in 40 minutes, can I make 10km in 40 mins, up to get the DVD, then make show? I did!!

An hour later start feeling very fatigued, muscles aches, oh no might have caught germs from Boxing Day sale shopping...off to bed with 2 wines

Wake next day, do intervals as blogged,in afternoon fatigue, aching muscles comes back...no afternoon run, off to bed with 2 wines.

Wake next day, feel awful again, start internet, type in symptoms, either have rampant disease from Bolivia or sniffing too much petrol or dehydration to the point of muscle and organ meltdown....how is it possible with two wines b4 bed I ask stupidly to self. Day off running. Watch karen do some intervals at AIS in afternoon.

Next day 20 min yog with dog, feel awful in afternoon again. Time to take rehydration seriously. Less wine, more water and gatorade...

Wake next day, all is good again. Long yog with dog in morning, intervals this afternoon. See next blog.


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