Pennington 3000m : 1500m : 3000m/5000m

Final race in the series, 3000m, top 4 contenders show up, places can be shuffled, overall winner highly unlikely to be shaken from the tree. M55s SK (4th) & PP (2nd) given 29 seconds head start over SB (3rd) and HL (1st). A cold and windy evening. PP runs away from SK early on, SB leaves HL behind. SB through 2km in 6:18 having rounded everyone up (including KT,KS), all to do is watch the race unfold across the track and left shoulder. HL rounds up SK, then PP, PP struggling to catch and hold off others. HL(10:05) comes in second wrapping up series and winner's goblet with shiroski crystal, PP(11:09) 4th on night, slips to 3rd overall. SB (9:38)skanks a runner's up goblet with shiroski crystal. SK(11:41)4th in series.

1500m. JBHIFI big last lap to 5:23 outkick NyM 5:24. Both looking in good form.

3000m JBHIFI 11:18, in ideal conditions. Not bad 3 weeks after ironman.

5000m H all time PB 20:29.7 complete set of all time PBs this year 800m, 1500m, mile, 3000m, 5000m. Hard week training wise for H. Has potential to go sub-20 this season. Only 2 races left (not going to Nats).

Of me: 3000m 938 5000m 20:30, managed to dodge all of the javelins the tossers could hurtle at me. Think I did 3km handing the spears back...possibly fastest 6 rounds of javelin tossing ever


Emma said…
Not at track race today, did early training sess.
600, 400,400,300,200,100,100 kickdown so can get back to cubs. Fed cubs kangaroo so had to go find some more today in the hills with a lovely sunset.
Janene said…
Congrats on skanking the runners up goblet.

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