Steve at the Tan Track ; 5000m

Steve missed last evening at the track, made up for it with a speedy cameo on the famous Tan track 3.8km in 13:38. As timing had it he hitched a ride with a few hundred friends and would have placed 2nd was he not in ghost mode.

On track almost all of us competed in the 5000m in perfect conditions. Results: Me 16:38, Keith 18:11, Shane 18:51, Dale 19:48, Helen 21:44, Kathy 22:11, Roget 22:11, 23:46. KT ran the 3000m 11:48. All of us improved on results from the previous week and are well placed for AMA Championships in a few weeks. Two more 5000m races will follow, next week with Athletics ACT, the following our 5000m Championships. Some will do the club 1500m Championships next week.

Of me: I couldn't even hold 3:10/km for 2 laps last evening due to fatigue and being forced into lane three on the third lap overtaking. 3:13 through 1000m, held a solid tempo all the way home at 10000m pace. I finally ease off the volume after this weekend. After 9 successive high volume weeks of 120-142km (11 of 13) I will reduce to 110km for the next two 5000m races before the final taper down to 80km for the AMA Championships. The training and racing form will improve further as I reduce the workload.


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