Rottnest Island Taper Week Day 2 : 1000m + 1500m ; Steve at Stromlo : 5 x 600m

An early morning session of 8km. Weather sunny, windy.

Set done on mostly flat road section (one 2% gradient hill) in half marathon shoes. The set: 2.5km warm up, 5 x 100m strides, 1000m 3:16 (1:32;1:44[hill]), 1500m 4:46 (1:30,1:40[hill],1:36), warm down.

In the afternoon an 8km recovery jog and a lazy 25km bike ride to Cape Vlamingh and return.

Steve a set on grass at Stromlo of 5 x 600m, an out and back section we use when the magpie is attacking people. Reverse direction harder than outward. Splits: 1:56, 2:06, 1:57, 2:09, 1:57. Splits were very similar to this time last year. That's promising. When our 100m strides get to 14 and the 200m efforts to 30-31 the 600m splits get to low 1:40s. Early days yet for Steve.


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