ACT Masters Athletics : Mile ; 3000m ; Keith in Bemboka 4 x 500m

Weather warm, some wind, not too bad for running. It was pentathlon night so events had to fit around the main game.

I spent an hour or so warming up, stretching, self massage and so on. Left side from ribs to plantar screaming neural pain. I ran 5 x 100m strides after jogs, fastest in 14.5 which is OK. I had to change spikes (shoes) due to pain. Next test was 209m at race pace with standing start in 36 seconds, another tick. More jogging and strides. Ready to go.

Mile: ACT M55 record was 5:06.?, a stretch for me this week. Set beeping watch at 19 seconds for 109m and each 100m after that, relaxed until last 100m and picked it up last 100m. 5:03.0. Kathy W65 smashed that record by 15 seconds or so.

I ran 8km with others in between Mile and 3000m

3000m: ACT M55 record was 10:15.? Not so hard this one. I went through 10000m and 5000m (and handicap Pennington 3000m) at 3000m quicker in last month or so. Set watch on 20 seconds/100m, cruised around. I felt good throughout. Steve was out there jogging in the 3000m.

Next step is to reduce niggles. My left hip is very sore and is reference point for all the pain down my left side. Just easy running and long tempo intervals, loads of stretching until I see improvement.

Next 3 weeks on track are 1500m, 800m, 800m. If things don't improve I may change plans. I may have to reset for my next racing block in late April. It took me 2 years as M50 to set my best efforts in each event. It will most likely be the same in M55.

Keith in Bemboka ran 4 x 500m efforts (1:39, 1:43, 1:39, 1:38) on an undulating gravel road plus the warm up warm down ond 5 x 100m strides in 19 seconds.


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