Stromlo XC Virtual Parkrun 5km 17:27 ; Milli Pipeline Track 9km

Wednesday morning at Stromlo XC circuits with Steve. Weather cool, very windy, sun not up yet. The set: 2500m warm up, 5 x 100m hill strides, 5km XC Virtual Parkrun on the undulating 2km loop x 2, 1km loop x 1, warm down 2500m, second warm down with Milli the Border Collie on the Pipeline track by Molonglo River 9km. All up 20km for the morning, 120km+ last 7 days.

5km Splits: 3:18,3:37,3:22,3:42,3:28=17:27. I tacked an extra 200m on after the 5km mark to finish(36 seconds,3:00/km). Splits 2km and 4km were up hill and into the wind.

Tomorrow a long recovery run. Next set on Saturday long XC intervals.


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