Stromlo XC Intervals 2 x One Mile ; Steve 3 x 3min ; Keith 5 x 400m

Thursday afternoon set at Stromlo XC circuits. Similar weather to other days,some sun,cool to cold,windy. It's winter. After 3 near flat out efforts I have very similar data, Two days I ran 2 x 1 mile, first as tempo, second Mile near flat out. One day I ran 2 x 500m tempo, Mile near flat out. 2 x 500m day was the slowest.

Splits (3x500m intervals,109.34m): 10th July 129.8,135.7,132.5,18.7= 4:56.7 ; 12th July 130.5,137.0,132.4,18.7= 4:58.7 ; 16th July 128.7,137.7,132.0,18.6= 4:57.1 The weather today was the worst, effort mentally the best. 10th July felt easiest. 12th July I had run hills in the morning. I am enjoying this Mile thing. I can see I can run a few seconds faster, just need good weather and to turn it on mentally. In the 1500m efforts I ran in April (4:32,4:34) I ran 4-5 seconds faster in the 3rd 500m (1:28,1:27).

Steve this morning ran 3 x 3 minute intervals, also windy (2nd split). Splits: 3:26,3:34,3:25

Keith ran 5 x 400m (83,82,81,81,79). First time in the 70s for Keith for a while. Good progress.


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