11km Run Commute ; 16km Bike Commute ; End of Week 2 Base Training Block ; Racing Schedule Ahead

Another fine sunny day to start the week. It won't be fine for the rest of the week with rain coming this evening, there are storms rumbling on the nearby hills. I rode the bike to work and back with an 11km run in the afternoon, all on forest trails. Today marked the end of my 2nd week of base training, the last 2 weeks 112km and 109km of running only. I ride most days to work, never ride on the weekend. By reducing the bike riding I've pulled back from 17 hours/week of combined training to a manageable 12 hours/week. I'm feeling strong running and riding and can now increase the structured training sessions and volume of running slowly.

Local races over winter have been anounced, some at Stromlo XC circuits. With my local Parkrun 1 kilometre away I won't have to travel far to find race shape again. The scheduled choice of races (I will select from these, not all) 15th May ACT Short Course Championships (6km,Stromlo) ; 23rd May Half Marathon (lap of lake) ; 20th June ACT 10km XC Championships, Stromlo ; 10th July 10km Road Race, on lake foreshore bike path.


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