Stromlo XC : 2000m, 1500m, 1200m, 800m, 400m

Keith did his work in Bega. With his track out of use did 6 minutes, 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minutes hard with a jog recovery in between. Helen and Kathy did the same session at Stromlo in the wind.

For Jane, Steve and myself 2000m warm up, 5 x 100m, 2000m, 1500m, 1200m, 800m, 400m with 200 metre walk recovery. 4000m warm down.

Jane ran around 4:05/km for the early efforts and as quick as 3:40/km in the kick down phase.

Steve and I a similar cumulative with me ahead in the early efforts and Steve ahead in the kick down phase.

My splits: 2000m 6:53, 1500m 5:04, 1200m 4:04, 800m 2:33, 400m 68. Last week my splits: 2000m 7:01,1500m 5:13,1200m 4:12,800m 2:38,400m 74. A substantial improvement this week. Last week also the splits on track: 2000m 6:38,1600m 5:18,1200m 3:58,800m 2:33,400m 72. We have almost caught up to our track form of last week.

Track compared to Stromlo is approximately 10 seconds per kilometre quicker at the moment. It is a little slower this week due to rain. In late spring when the grass is lush the difference is around 15 seconds per kilometre.

This afternoon an easy loosener. Tomorrow the ACT Masters xc handicap. It will be very cold and windy again. A maximum of 8 degrees, snowing down to low levels on the surrounding hills at times.


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