Sutherland2Surf 11+km

Weather cool, mostly cloudy, breeze from the south (cross/head wind)...pretty good conditions compared to day before. Course flat, down, up, set of rolling hills to finish. Into breeze 5km-8km approx. 5000+ finishers.

Like all my previous races since Easter very hard in the first 5km, stronger than those near me in the last 5km. Looking for good splits at 3km <9:30, 5km <16:00, 8km <27:00 (for XC), 10km <33:00

Splits: 3:08, 3:00, 3:06 (3km 9:15.91), 3:13, 3:27 (5km 15:57.27), 3:29, 2:23, 3:30 (8km 26:20.7), 3:32, 3:20 (10km 33:13.68). That's my fastest 3km, 5km and 10km in a while.

The race: Fast start, two packs ahead. Pack 1: Young Joshua (M13-16 7th), Jordan (winner) and others. Pack 2: Monna (in great form) and others. No pack 3, just Alex, Eloise and myself racing each other, Chadi just up ahead. Eloise eventually passed Chadi. Alex dropped off. I held my place until 400m to go chased Chadi whole way, almost caught him at 10km before mentally dropping off.

Minnie ran strongly. I ran back to the hotel at 9km mark and she arrived just as I got there.

Yesterday Steve a great set of 5 x 1000m at Stromlo, 1 minute recovery average 3:27. Minus 3 and frosty. Jane similar set. Both ran 22km today. Keith is racing in Melbourne with two 3.3km laps by relay (13:05, 12:56).


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