ACT Masters XC Handicap Goorooyaroo 10km

Weather cold, cloudy, head wind on way out, tail wind on return, hilly to undulating fire trail, major obstacle 8-10 stop dead mud puddles on track.

Kathy won silver on course today 52 minutes net, Minnie 58 minutes, Mia, SK & KT ran short course. We all had brunch post race as usual.

I was 27th across the line, a solid effort of 37:28, new course record by 2:30+. Splits: 3:51 (up),3:43, 4:08 (up), 3:50, 3:43 (5km 19:17), 3:47, 3:53, 3:20 (down), 3:43, 3:26 (down). Last 5km 18:10. Yesterday's tough session had me jaded on the warm up, surprisingly felt good out there once I got going.


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