Stromlo XC Intervals : 5 x 600m

At Stromlo again for some fast paced cross country intervals. Just by myself. Weather warm, cloudy, some wind. Basically the same set as last week with 5 efforts instead of 4.

The set: 10 minute warm up, 5 x 20 second sprints, 2500m warm up 5 x 100m strides, 5 x 600m efforts on XC loop with one hill (1:50, 1:51, 1:50, 1:50, 1:51), 4000m warm down. Last weeks efforts were 2-3 seconds slower so today was a welcome boost in form.

I'm in taper mode this week, just winding the volume down slowly. I'll still be on 100km last 7 days on Saturday (pre-Canberra Times 10.1km road race), down from 130km on the weekend. Average for the month of August will be 119km with two mini-tapers taking the average down a little.

Tomorrow I will have some new shoes to try out. They look like this. I hope I don't have to give them to Keith again!


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