Stromlo XC 4 x 600m efforts, 400m recovery

This morning Part B of yesterday afternoon's session of 3 x 600m. With Helen I set myself up for a very quick 600m effort at the end of session (1:41). This morning with Steve shorter recovery, an extra effort and the set at a slightly more controlled dose of speed. There was dew on the grass and no wind.

The set: Warm up, 5 x 100m strides, 4 x 600m efforts, warm down.

Splits: Steve 1:54, 1:54, 1:54, 1:53. Me: 1:47, 1:47, 1:43, 1:49. My peak effort was the third. In the final 600m effort I slowed down the first 400m and was full gas the last 200m.

Another great set for me. I haven't done any of the sets I'd normally do to prepare for 800m and 1500m as yet. I'm saving that for March and April 2018. If the weather is kind I'll run 1500m on Thursday, maybe 5000m as well. On the following Thursday it will be an 800m handicap. I'd love to win that race as it's one of the club's big events.

Afternoon warm down slash recovery jog was at Stromlo watching the last Spring Series YMCA 5km XC event.


Ewen said…
You're going well Bruce. Good photos - Nick with the roos and I look like I'm running, not racewalking in that bottom one :-)
You were moving nicely Ewen. Sunny, very warm and some wind as well on a tough circuit. It would have prepared you well for BBQ today.

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