ACT Masters XC Handicap 9km ; Steve 3 x 2500m ; Jen Bush Capital Half marathon

Today back in Canberra waking to a frosty start and lovely sunny day around 16 degrees with no wind. Morning run was the ACT Masters XC 9km handicap on a very hilly and rough course. I had a solid run, as fast as not much sleep would allow having arrived back in Canberra hours earlier. The further it went the faster I ran. In the afternoon an easy recovery run on Mount Painter with Milli the border collie. All up 17km for the day.

On Saturday Steve ran 3 x 2500m efforts at Stromlo XC circuit. Splits: 9:19,9:10,9:10, 9:13 average.

On Saturday Gabe ran the Bush Capital 16km backing up again the ACT Masters XC 9km handicap.

On Saturday Jen ran Parkrun 5km in 24:44 backing up in the Bush Capital Half Marathon in 128 minutes.

I'll get back into the groove this week. For the next nine months I'll be in a build up phase again. I'll resume a 6km maximum threshold run on hilly XC course on most Wednesdays. On most Sundays I'll start building up my long run and include some of that run at around 3:30-3:40/km as either a tempo run of as intervals on a variety of surfaces. I'll fit in key sessions on Saturdays and one other day during the week at a variety of paces from 2:50/km-3:30/km. I won't do much racing until track resumes in October. City2Surf 14km in two weeks will be one of those races.


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