BBQ Stakes Bush Xmas Relay ; Keith 3 x (30 sec,20sec,10sec) ; Aranda Trail Run 8km

Wednesday evening was BBQ Stakes Bush Xmas Relay. I was on timing duty at the half way point as a way to qualify for post event pizza and beer.

Keith on Tueday ran a set of bike path of 3 x (30 sec,20sec,10sec) with 1-2min recover between intervals. Thursday set expcted to be 3 minute efforts with 2 minutes recovery.

It was very hot and windy on Monday and Tuesday, less so on Wednesday. Smoke from surrounding bush fires continue to be at dangerous levels. Best to stay indoors. Mornings are sometimes OK. I was out for a 10km run on bush trails, my first run pain free since I tore a thigh muscle. If I am patient I should be back to normal volume soon. Structured training will follow soon after. I am hoping in a fortnight.


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