Forest Trail Hill Intervals 5 x 350 metres ; BBQ Stakes 6km XC recovery run 23:28

Wednesday morning jog with Milli the Border Collie up Mount Painter and back 4.5km. Without the dog a session on pine forest trails out of the sun (it was hot! I carried a drink bottle to the hill). The set: Warm up, 5 x 350 metre hills on moderate to steep incline, jog back down recovery, warm down. All up 9km for the session.

At lunch a run on BBQ Stakes 6km XC course, 1:08 slower than the previous week, too hot for anything more than that. Splits (500m):1:59,2:01,2:04,1:58,1:47,1:57,2:06,2:04,1:44,1:45,1:51,1:56,0:11


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