Stromlo XC Leg Speed Intervals 5 x 500m, 500m recovery

Thursday morning set with Steve at Stromlo XC intervals of 5 x 500m with 500m jog recovery. Weather cool to warm, humid, almost no wind. There was a heavy thunderstorm during the evening making the track wet. The set: 2km warm up, 1km with 5 x 100m strides, 1km with 500m stride untimed, 4 x 500m efforts with 500m jog recovery. I warmed down with Milli the Border Collie up and down Mount Painter 4km. Splits: Untimed,1:33,1:31,1:28,1:25

Today was hot and windy again, around 35 degrees. I ran a 1500m effort at ACT Masters Track at 6pm in 4:56. On Saturday morning Parkrun and travel to South Australia. One of my training sessions there will be a time trial up Willunga Hill. I've cycled up Willunga a few times, only run it once including 1km hard. 3km at just over 7%.


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