Shiraz Trail 15km incl 12 x 1 minute efforts, 1 minute recovery ; A Day on the Beach

Early Friday morning run along the Shiraz Trail of 15km including 12 x 1 minute efforts with 1 minute float recovery done after the turn around point at Willunga.

Warm down and extended runs were done with Milli the Border Collie on Moana Beach all day. We have decided to spend the day at the beach in the comfort of the car, two parks away from the coffee cart, live coverage of Santos Cycling Classic on laptop. Another hot day ahead, not a cloud to be seen. We will run whenever we get hot. I expect to run well over 20km today.

Saturday is Parkrun Moana, extremely hot day predicted at over 40 degrees. We may spend the day back here at the beach again.


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