Stromlo XC Intervals 4 x 800m, 200m recovery

Tuesday morning set with Steve at Stromlo XC circuits. Weather cool, no wind, perfect for running. The set: Warm up including 5 x 100m strides and 2 x 200m strides, 4 x 800m with 200m jog recovery, warm down with Milli the border collie up and down Mount Painter. We got this set done before dawn. It will be another hot day. In the evening a short recovery run.

Splits through 500m: 1:37,1:33,1:33,1:34. Last 300m of each effort was quicker, fastest 300m was on the final effort in 50 seconds.

On Wednesday two runs of around 8km including BBQ Stakes XC handicap at lunch. On Thursday 4 x 500m leg speed intervals in the morning, 1500m effort at ACT Masters Track at 6pm.

There is a blue tongue lizard living in the garden, it's been there since 2012. It looks like it is pregnant. They don't lay eggs giving birth to infants live. It's been munching on raspberries and strawberries in both front and back gardens.


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