Morning Mountain Run 5km ; Stromlo XC Intervals 4 x 500m ; Marathon de Paris broadcast

Monday morning run up and back Mount Painter summit 5km with the dog. After that watching Marathon de Paris on delayed broadcast via the satelite dish from New Caledonia. It turned out to be a great race to watch. Congratulations to all who ran. Such a long time ago I entered and cancelled way back at the start of Covid. I will need to run another marathon when I turn 60 in a few months, who knows where.  In the afternoon a longer run including 4 x 500m XC intervals with 500m jog recovery on Stromlo grass. Splits:(1:46,1:30,1:26,1:25). After 25 weeks of solid high volume training, this week just 102km. Next set on Tuesday a short time trial. Later in the week a longer time trial. Track racing isn't far away and Parkrun should return too.


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