Tempo Run : XC Handicap
Rough as guts cross country course, long grass, bemused looking kangaroos, side slope, contemplated long and hard about not doing this at all for the ankle's sake. In the end I couldn't stop myself from having a cruisy tempo run, some chats and cheering others on. Did I mention it was wet as well. Pouring while the long course was still in progress. Warm and wet. A shame bcos it is a nice place for a picnic.
Frylink short course 3.5km: sb 1325, pk 1528, kt 1500
Thomas long course 7km: e 3402(sore bum), h 3156
Frylink short course 3.5km: sb 1325, pk 1528, kt 1500
Thomas long course 7km: e 3402(sore bum), h 3156