Stromlo : 3000m Paced XC Intervals : 5 x 600m

Weather dull, cloudy, no wind, cool. Track has dried out a little but still slippery in places even with spikes. Just Helen and myself. Minnie arrived as we finished, did her own set of 2000m at threshold.

The set: Long warm up, 5 x 100m strides, 5 x 600m efforts 400m recovery on undulating 1000m loop, long warm down. Helen ran 4:05-4:08/km used beeping watch set at 25 seconds using yellow 100m posts. I had mine set on 19 seconds and was well under all set. Splits: 1:50, 1:49, 1:49, 1:49, 1:47. That's a big jump in form, probably due to slightly less volume and getting some good quality sessions in.

Weather is turning for the worse in the next days. Thursday set will be 600m, 500m, 300m, 300m, 200m on XC circuit. Saturday and Sunday a double-up again with Stromlo set on Saturday and a fun run on Sunday. The weather will be better by then.


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