Stromlo : Short XC Intervals : 5 x 600m ; Keith in Bemboka

Weather cloudy, cool, some wind. Cross country track still soft, muddy and slow. Just Helen and myself, Kathy earlier in the day, Minnie just as we were warmng down for 2000m tempo.

The set: Long warm up, 5 x 100m strides, 5 x 600m efforts, 400m jog recovery, long warm down. For me 17km for the day. I had beeping watch set on 18 (3:00/km), Helen on 25 (4:10/km). We were both well up on our target.

Splits (me): 1:48, 1:47, 1:47, 1:44, 1:43. Splits (Helen): 2:30, 2:26, 2:25, 2:20, 2:21. That's easily our best short set for this build up. For me I'd be happy with those times on a synthetic track.

What's missing is some short races on track, some intense longer races and a few sessions of 200m-300m on track. Things are looking good.

Keith in Bebboka did a similar set with 2km warm up, 5 x 100m under 17, 3 x 600m (2:00, 2:02, 2:03), 200m 38, 400m 84, 2km warm down.


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