Stromlo XC Intervals : 5 x 300m ; Keith in Bemboka 4 x 1000m

This afternoon at Stromlo XC Circuit some nice weather with full sun, warm temperature until the sun set, some wind. Just Helen and myself. Minnie turned up as we were warming down for her first World Masters Athletics set.

The set: Long warm up, 5 x 100m, 5 x 300m strides at 3:05/km myself, Helen 4:05/km, long warm down. Minnine ran a 1000m effort at just under her race pace from Canberra Times 10.1km Fun Run.

Keith in Bemboka ran long warm up, 5 x 100m strides, 4 x 1000m ranging from 3:38 down to 3:33, much quicker than his Canberra Times 10.1km Fun Run pace.

Monday or Tuesday set now will be similar to what we have been doing, just turning up the intensity and focus. Sets will typically be 4-5 x 600m to 1000m at quicker than 5000m pace and with short recovery. First step will be to average sub-3:00/km for the 600m efforts and progress from there. It will be a mix of XC and track intervals.


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