Track 2000m Tempo ; Steve 5 x 3 minutes ; Keith 3 x 1000m

Track tempo over 2000m in 6:40 even paced. It was 6 degrees and no wind when I got there.

Keith 3 x 1000m 3:26,3:26,3:25 with 200m jog recovery plus 100m in 19 seconds in between efforts.

Steve 5 x 3 minute efforts on first session in new block. Pace 3:58/km,3:48/km,3:50/km,3:37/km,3:36/km.

I'm still on 130km last 7 days. If I feel good I'll try another 2000m tempo in the next 2 days. I should be able to go 5-10 seconds quicker with same effort in warmer conditions. Gold Coast Half Marathon on Sunday.


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