World Masters Athletics Championships 2018 : 10km Road M55 5th 35:21

Weather very humid, very warm, light winds but seemed to be a headwind everywhere.

Course was basically flat with around 20 corners. Worst aspect was starting 1000+ runners in the main stadium for first 330m which turned out to be completely unfair except all those on the front lines. I had intentions of being up there, as I was in the XC, but the track was shut to all except through a narrow door. No idea when that door opened, I missed the jump. We squashed in like sardines as the organisers pushed the front lines back, the gun went off and few went anywhere quick. By the time I exited the stadium I was already 30 seconds behind my competition. The only way to describe my emotions is 'panic' which was futile and self defeating. Let's jump to the splits.

2000m 6:46 (I ran the remainder of 1st 2km very quick trying to catch up),3km 10:12,3:31,3:37,3:37,3:37,3:42,3:42,3:19.

In effect I went from nowhere to 1st M55 at 2000m, settled down and then began the 'big fade', watching M55 pass me one by one with no answer to respond.

I had another issue of bruised feet from stones in the XC on my left foot. This issue was my fault as I chose fast racing shoes in place of some trainers I had been using in previous days to relieve the pain. This pain became unbearable at 4km in. It was only when we entered the stadium at the finish the soft track surface allowed me to speed up again.

As a race for me it was a debacle. I still only finished 40 seconds down despite my panic and stupidity.

The Half Marathon next Sunday starts on the road. It should be a fair start but be there early! I won't be there unless I am doing a training run.

Next race is on Wednesday, 5000m with three timed finals. Saturday is 1500m heat. Sunday is 1500m final. More rain is predicted this week. If it comes at the wrong time I am in trouble, I have no spikes. I may visit the Nike factory outlet tomorrow to look for a bargain.


Jennie K said…
I can just imagine your disappointment at such a ghastly start Bruce - still such an amazing (unreal to most of us!) time.
David said…
Whoa! that was tough - unfortunate set of circumstances, lets hope you can regroup for the 5 and 15 - Good Luck
Thanx for the comments. Nike Factory Store outlet opens at 10, enough time for an hour run and some brekky.
Ewen said…
What a shame Bruce. Sounds like a major organisational stuff-up with the start procedures. They should have had seeded corrals or maybe 3 or 4 separate starts, 30 minutes apart.

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