Long Trails Recovery Run 19km

Friday morning run of 19km mostly on forest trails. Weather grey and dreary, no wind, no rain, no sun. First 9km with Milli the Border Collie, continued solo for another 10km. 122km last 7 days.

Next set Saturday morning. Weather doesn't look ideal, some rain coming this evening and sticking around into Saturday. Set planned is still 3 minute efforts with 1 minute jog recovery. Current laws say we can only exercise in pairs. If a few come we will have to split up to comply.

This Sunday would have been Marathon de Paris had it not been postponed to October 18 2020. I'll go out for a long run solo into remote places near home. Despite living here for over three years there is plenty I still haven't explored. No set distance, I'll just go and run until I get tired.


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