Stromlo XC Intervals 5 x 500m ; Steve 12km Tempo ; Keith 8 x 150m

Lunch time set at Stromlo XC circuits. Weather full sun, cool to warm, light head wind. Same set as yesterday. The set: Warm up, 5 x 500m efforts, 500m jog recovery, warm down.

Splits: 1:29,1:26,1:26,1:25,1:24. All efforts under 3:00/km and quicker than yesterday except final effort +1sec. That's my best set of this type on record by 9 seconds cumulative.

Steve ran a 12.3km tempo run in the morning including 2 x 3 minute efforts at 3:35/km

Keith ran 8 x 150m strides as a set of 2 x 4 efforts. Times were 25 seconds working down to 23 seconds. Next up for Keith is a 5km time trial on undulating terrain.

An afternoon run with Milli the Border Collie to maintain 120km for the week. Next set on Saturday at Stromlo, long XC intervals. It could be the last good weather day before another cold front rolls through.


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